Form 8863 is used to figure and claim education credits, either the American Opportunity Credit or the Lifetime Learning Credit. These credits are based on adjusted qualified education expenses paid to an eligible postsecondary educational institution and are limited based on Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI).
Eligible institutions are required by the IRS to send Form 1098-T to students by January 31st, however some institutions may not be required to furnish the student with Form 1098-T if the student:
Taxpayers and students should reach out to the institution if they do not receive the form by the due date, however not having received Form 1098-T doesn't disqualify the student from claiming an education credit.
If the student didn't receive Form 1098-T and there is any question regarding whether the school is an eligible institution, refer the US Department of Education lists of eligible institutions linked in the Additional Information below.
The preparer will need to have verifiable documentation of expenses being claimed and of funds received reducing education costs plus scholarships and grants. If the taxpayer has qualified expenses not included on Form 1098-T, the preparer may add them to the total and include them on Form 8863. We suggest including a Preparers' Note in the return with qualified expenses notated.
To enter qualified education expenses into Software, from the Federal Section of the tax return select:
Reminder: Only one type of credit (American Opportunity or Lifetime Learning) can be used by student in a tax year.