Indicate participation In business on Schedule -E

Indicate participation In business on Schedule -E

In Software, indicating that the taxpayer actively participates or is a real estate professional is done on a property-by-property basis, and active participation is not indicated when a property record is created. To indicate the status for a property, select to edit the property from the Schedule E Rental/Royalty menu, then from the property's "Schedule E Rentals and Royalties" window select:

  • Rent and Royalty Basic Information
  • Check if you actively participated - Click the check box if the taxpayer actively participated.

To indicate the taxpayer is a real estate professional, select to edit the property from the Schedule E Rental/Royalty menu, then from the property's "Schedule E Rentals and Royalties" window select:

  • Rent and Royalty Basic Information
  • Check here if you are a real estate professional or disposed of the property this year - Click the check box.

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